Baba’s Princess

I miss you, today, and everyday.
I wish i could sleep in you arms, once again. Just lie by your side and forget all my worries, i wish you could give me that sweet head massage, that proud smile, letting me take all your money, as i look at you laughing out. I wish i could have your physical presence here. I wish i could just hug you, and forget about this cruel world that we live in.
Thanks for making me kind, compassionate, strong, understanding. A human basically. Thanks for encouraging me to take my own decisions, and for standing by it. Thanks for believing in me, and for making me believe in me.
Thanks for trusting me when the world doubted me, Thanks for having confidence in a girl that she can be better than boys, and thanks for raising me that way.
Thanks for giving me lessons to not judge people, and help people out when and where we can, thanks for making me understand the concept of giving happiness, and not just expecting it. In this world of pocket moneys, thanks for making me financially independent.
Thanks for being such a good person, thanks for letting me learn by seeing you actually do, and not just by saying. Thanks for loving me enough to set me free.
Thanks for setting the standard so high. Thanks for being an example of kindness, lessons, and an epitome of love.
4 years from an urdu calendar they say, and i still can’t believe it. 4 years!!!! Without you!!
People often complain i live in my own “world” these days. How can i show them that my imaginary world is so much better, with you. Around you.
Just dreaming of you, after a stressful day, relieves me, makes me smile, how can i tell people that you exist, and i am more happy there, with you, than here, with them?
You’ll forever be my King! My everything.

Forever, and ever,
Your “Princess”, as you called me.

-Aahilic Aish

You are! 

You! You are the reason i believe in love, you are the only thought which gives me butterflies, the only poem i can recite, and the only story i’ll ever know, by-heart.

You are the smile that curves up on my lips, the spark that lights up my eyes, the colour that blushes my cheeks, and the tone that enlightens my soul.

You are the truth, you are the fact, and you are the only reasoning to my life.

You are that adrenaline rush inside me, when i am on a crazy adventure. 

You are the song i would like to mumble in my sleep, and you are the name i wish to take, when i wake up every morning.

You are the warmth of the sun that touches me softly, you are the gleam of the moon which guides me at nights. You are the rain that brings happiness, and prospers the harvests of love.

You are the rainbow, by the ends of which i always find treasures.

You are the gold, you are the diamond that is engraved in the crown of my life. 👑

You are the only canvas i wanna paint in the tone of my love, Red. Bold. Bright. in this black and white world of mine.

You, my dear, are more than just a mere human.

You are an Angel sent from above the skies, to love, to be loved.

-Aahilic Aish

A bond unbreakable!

You make me blush like i mean the world to you.

You seem like you can write poems for me,

like some stories that never end.

Like i’ll have a ‘writer’s block’ when i finally meet you.

Like Words will diminish your worth, 

You act like Me.

Sometimes, that’s what scares me,

but when it’s you,

i am ready to take this chance too,

 ’cause i know the relation we have may break, 

but the bond we share won’t, ever change.

 ’cause i know the relation we have may break, 

but the bond we share won’t, ever change.



I Love You…

Here goes the first poem, dated years back… When i was a teenager.
Hope you all love it the way i always did. It has been close to my heart, like always.

I Love…

I love your eyes,
For the love in it.

I love your words,
For the trust in it.

I love your smile,
For the charm in it.

I love your voice,
For the goodness in it.

I love your heart,
For the purity in it.

Above all,
I love you not for what you are,
For what i am,  when i am with you!

Aahilic Aish….      

And with her wings….. She flew….

I know this is kind of amateur, but well, I hope I keep learning, and improvise myself.

So, let’s start!

Here goes my second poem.
The first one will be posted later.

Her eyes spoke a thousand words,
Yet, her tongue silent as dead.

Her soul scattered in pieces,
Yet she managed to smile.

Oh the irony!!!
People could never tell her apart.

Her spirit damped,
Yet her hopes so high.

Never mattered her own feelings,
Always made others happy.

Her laughter hid her sufferings,
So did her smile!

They thought they could kill her,
By pushing her off the cliff.

Little did they know,
She had wings…

I had wings…..

-Aahilic Aish…