Baba’s Princess

I miss you, today, and everyday.
I wish i could sleep in you arms, once again. Just lie by your side and forget all my worries, i wish you could give me that sweet head massage, that proud smile, letting me take all your money, as i look at you laughing out. I wish i could have your physical presence here. I wish i could just hug you, and forget about this cruel world that we live in.
Thanks for making me kind, compassionate, strong, understanding. A human basically. Thanks for encouraging me to take my own decisions, and for standing by it. Thanks for believing in me, and for making me believe in me.
Thanks for trusting me when the world doubted me, Thanks for having confidence in a girl that she can be better than boys, and thanks for raising me that way.
Thanks for giving me lessons to not judge people, and help people out when and where we can, thanks for making me understand the concept of giving happiness, and not just expecting it. In this world of pocket moneys, thanks for making me financially independent.
Thanks for being such a good person, thanks for letting me learn by seeing you actually do, and not just by saying. Thanks for loving me enough to set me free.
Thanks for setting the standard so high. Thanks for being an example of kindness, lessons, and an epitome of love.
4 years from an urdu calendar they say, and i still can’t believe it. 4 years!!!! Without you!!
People often complain i live in my own “world” these days. How can i show them that my imaginary world is so much better, with you. Around you.
Just dreaming of you, after a stressful day, relieves me, makes me smile, how can i tell people that you exist, and i am more happy there, with you, than here, with them?
You’ll forever be my King! My everything.

Forever, and ever,
Your “Princess”, as you called me.

-Aahilic Aish

Random Thoughts During Work…

Aah! I wonder what got into me,  have been writing so sluggish posts these days!

I’m sounding like a whiner or a loser.

I need to stop complaining about things in my life.

Like, who doesn’t go through shit? Everybody has got their own sets of problems.
But nobody is complaining. Except me!

I need to stop it, and right now!!!

Cursing problems or getting angry over them won’t help anybody overcome them, it only worsens the situation.

I need to create positivity around me, so much that the negative energy doesn’t have any impact on me and my temper.

Positivity? Umm…  Positive people, positive things and most important of all, positive thinking.

Gandhi once said,
“Be the change, you wish to see in the world”

So I’ll have to change my own self i guess!

( The Change I Need… )

And all these thoughts where do i get?
In a boring conference i am attending!

Away from my home and my people!  😥

I’ll keep you guys updated about the conference once i get back, ’cause the hotel we are provided for our stay doesn’t provide Wi-Fi ..
Yeah! Damn mahn! It’s like living in a hell! I tell ya!
And now that i am posting this, trust me,  i broke into the auditorium’ s Wi-Fi 😉 but it’s out last day in this auditorium, we will be moving to another from tomorrow!

How are these 8 days supposed to pass by, and when will i be home, hugging my bed?
Aah! I miss you my bed!

-Aahilic Aish…

The Right Decision…

“I wish all the luck to you, and we are gonna miss you”, he said.

She didn’t know what to say, she felt her heart sunk when she realized he was lettinv her go away so damn easily.
She didn’t had words to say. Literally.
All she said, “Coward”.

She moped around for a month or so, and she tried hard to move on. Really hard!
And she tried and tried!
And finally succeeded.

She was over him, but promised her heart that she will never hurt it that way, and cause it to bear all the pain it had to this time !

True to her words! She never let anybody hurt her heart ! Of course, never loved, nor did she allow anybody to.

She didn’t kill herself, but neither was she alive!
And when she finally moved on,

He came back, with a rose and an apology
“sorry for hurting you babe.”

And this time, she chose her words widely and said:
“I didn’t get hurt, i just killed my feeling, you are knocking on the wrong door”

And she walked away!

When she needed him the most, he left her, for another girl.
Now that he was estranged, he realized her worth.

But, Alas! He was too late.
Now that she was dead inside, why did he had to return.

She did forgive him, but never really forgot what she had to go through just because of him, and this time, she didn’t repeat the same mistake, like a wise little lady!

Life has plans, and someday, somebody who is really worth, would come along to stay by her side forever, without making her struggle through the pain!

-Aahilic Aish…

The Change I Need……

I have finally decided to let go off, everything that hurts me, or pinches my heart somewhere.
Everything that makes me feel miserable, unwanted, and negative,  is now not needed in my life. I will now live my life the way i always desired- the fairy tale way. The only difference is that now that i have”grown” in my thinking, i realize i don’t need anybody  who degrades me and tells me that a fairytale life doesn’t exist…
‘Cause now i am gonna show them that life may not always be the way i plan it but i am sure I’ll take everything in a positive way and throw off everyone who negates my feelings, thoughts, and dreams!
May be i learnt it the hard way, but now i know who are and who aren’t worth my importance.
Well, i now have no problem with any kind of people in my life, because now i know that there are two kind of people..
1. Those who are around you for their needs or their benefits.
2. Those who are there for you always.
Now that i am going to separate people of kind 1, from people of kind 2, i believe I’ll be left with Gems, whom i can value and treasure all my life!
Now i have understood that life doesn’t have a remote control,  so if i have to change my life, i have to get up and change it myself!
You may not be able to change your life all of a sudden but atleast initiate the change and it’ll process itself.
To initiate the change you have to be the change! Change your feelings, your emotions, and most of all, change your actions!
You never have to force anything that is truly meant to be yours, and the things which aren’t meant, will never be! So why waste our present for the future!
Love your self so much that people symbolize you of Love!
You may not be able to control what people say, what you can control is how you react to them! Not every invitation of argument is worth accepting,  let go off things that do not matter!
Decide what is and isn’t important in your life!
Being rude to yourself, because of others won’t ever help, it will only limit your life options! Stop being a pessimist or an introvert! Live up your life, be open to change! Everybody comes in life to either love you or teach you a lesson, take that lesson and move on!
Don’t ever let someone else control your life!
Try to see the positive side, even in negative things, that will be the life worth living! And you can trust me on that!
To erase negativity, you have to build positivity around you, and no one can do that, but you! So get up and take charge of your life, no one helps those who don’t help themselves!

-Aahilic Aish….