Baba’s Princess

I miss you, today, and everyday.
I wish i could sleep in you arms, once again. Just lie by your side and forget all my worries, i wish you could give me that sweet head massage, that proud smile, letting me take all your money, as i look at you laughing out. I wish i could have your physical presence here. I wish i could just hug you, and forget about this cruel world that we live in.
Thanks for making me kind, compassionate, strong, understanding. A human basically. Thanks for encouraging me to take my own decisions, and for standing by it. Thanks for believing in me, and for making me believe in me.
Thanks for trusting me when the world doubted me, Thanks for having confidence in a girl that she can be better than boys, and thanks for raising me that way.
Thanks for giving me lessons to not judge people, and help people out when and where we can, thanks for making me understand the concept of giving happiness, and not just expecting it. In this world of pocket moneys, thanks for making me financially independent.
Thanks for being such a good person, thanks for letting me learn by seeing you actually do, and not just by saying. Thanks for loving me enough to set me free.
Thanks for setting the standard so high. Thanks for being an example of kindness, lessons, and an epitome of love.
4 years from an urdu calendar they say, and i still can’t believe it. 4 years!!!! Without you!!
People often complain i live in my own “world” these days. How can i show them that my imaginary world is so much better, with you. Around you.
Just dreaming of you, after a stressful day, relieves me, makes me smile, how can i tell people that you exist, and i am more happy there, with you, than here, with them?
You’ll forever be my King! My everything.

Forever, and ever,
Your “Princess”, as you called me.

-Aahilic Aish

Your Smile :)

You smile,

And my heart dances up,
My gaze freezes on you,
And i notice,
I have never really been happier than this moment,
Right here with you. Right now.

So tell me, will you smile,
And make the sun a lil jealous,
And light up my world,
With your smile?

-Aahilic Aish

You can’t hunt down those who choose to stand back up! 

It’s been a long time i chose not to fight my battles against you, thinking it was mutual, but i have my armour on now, and there is no turning back, this war is called for. It’s not just about winning or losing, it’s about who’s right, and i know you aren’t, ’cause i have never seen the courage in your eyes, the courage that the truth holds. You have always been one of those shoot from behind the bushes, and it’s time i hunt you all down, so i know my stand! It’s important for me you see, to look into the mirror and not be ashamed..

I know i won’t lose, ’cause no matter how many times you hit me, and you hit me hard, i’ll not back down

And,I don’t see how you can hunt me down, when i choose to stand up every time you shoot at me. Everytime, stronger than before.

-Aahilic Aish

Pain, Sufferings, and much more.

I believe life lessons are everywhere, 

everything and every homo sapien teaches us something in life.

Lessons that are learnt from shattered hearts, broken hearts, empty minds, lusty desires, friends, family, colleagues, to a stranger on the road.

Everybody is a patient of sadness, everybody feels, some are outgoing, insensitive the others being introverts and hyper sensitive to things but pain is felt by all, and pain demands to be felt, so it can be relieved of its duty towards you.

Its not wise to ignore pain, and build it up in our bodies, the wiser thing to do is to express it in an acceptable, and persuasive way.

The pain may break you down sometimes, to ground zero, it may hit you up from the bottom, but remember, it’s never the end of fight if you get up and face your fears, again and again!


Everybody that crosses over path of life, is going through something we know nothing about; sometimes, our problems are nothing compared to theirs, yet we find it difficult to move on, from ours.

Time may not always heal, but truly it does make it less painful, and more gulliable.

You can be shaken, broken, but you can always build yourself up, and come back stronger, this time.


It’s not always about the right or the wrong person, sometimes, it’s about the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time that makes all the difference. 

When you cross someone who has taught you something in your life, even if it’s a heart break, learn your lessons, forgive, and move on, set them free, set yourself free!!

The Sensitive People…

“Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. There is nothing they won’t tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness.
However, the moment you betray them, reject them or devalue them, they will end the friendship. They live with guilt and constant pain over unresolved situations and misunderstandings.
They are tortured souls that are not able to live with hatred or being hated. This type of person needs the most love anyone can give them because their soul has been constantly bruised by others.
However, despite the tragedy of what they have to go through in life, they remain the most compassionate people worth knowing and the ones that often become activists for the broken-hearted, forgotten and the misunderstood. They are angels with broken wings that only fly when loved.”

-Aahilic Aish…